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Economics and Business Administration Departmental Records, 1974-2017

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG10-06-001

Scope and Contents

This collection contains the records of the Economics and Business Administration Department from 1974-2017. It is arranged into five series. The first includes course syllabi and proposals from 1981 to 2017. Classes under Business Administration are listed first according to course number followed by those under Economics. This series also contains syllabi from Jan Term classes and information related to internships.

Series two includes departmental records and memos from 1974-2017. The bulk of the series is made up of departmental handbooks and major program checklists. There are also departmental reviews from 1984 and 2005.

Series three contains a selection of honors theses produced by students in economics and business administration. These are arranged chronologically with the authoring student(s) identified on each file.

Series four consists of materials related to McDaniel College’s participation in the Fed College Challenge. Materials in this series include photographs and VHS tapes from 2002-2010. One DVD of Lafeyette College from 2009 is currently unreadable.

The final series in this collection are photographs. Most are unidentified, likely from the early 2000s, and include subjects such as departmental picnics and student interviews.


  • 1974 - 2017

Conditions Governing Access

College administrative records not from the Board of Trustees and Office of the President will be closed for a minimum of 30 years from the date of creation.

Conditions Governing Use

Records may be copied in accordance with McDaniel College Archives' usual procedures.

Biographical / Historical

Economics was first offered as a major at Western Maryland College in 1934. In 1954, Dr. Ralph Price restructured the program, modernizing its curriculum. Dr. Price would lead the department for the next fifty years, retiring in the mid-1970s. During this period, the curriculum was primarily structured to prepare students for graduate studies in economics with little focus on vocational training.

In 1975, a dual major in Economics and Business Administration was first offered at WMC, reflecting a new emphasis on professional training. This avenue was expanded the following decade when Business Administration emerged as a stand-alone major with Accounting as a minor program. In the 2010-2011 academic year, Accounting became a stand-alone major as well.


2.08 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Box List

Box 1
  • Folders 1-24

Box 2
  • Folders 25-44

Box 3
  • Folders 45-56

Box 4
  • Folders 57-65

Box 5
  • Folders 66-72
  • VHS & DVDs

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The majority of this collection was transferred to the college archives in 2024 from the Economics and Business Administration department.

Processing Information

Processed by Gwenlyn Coddington, Archivist & Special Collections Librarian, 2024.
"Economics and Business Administration Departmental Records, 1974-2017"
Gwenlyn Coddington
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the McDaniel College Repository
