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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 238

Audrey V. Myers Buffington Papers (Class of 1952), Western Maryland College Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2012-38
Abstract Memorabilia of Western Maryland College collected by Audrey V. Myers Buffigton, Class of 1952.  This collection includes: Four ceramic plates depicting buildings of Western Maryland College: "Old Main" Tower, Ward Memorial Arch, W.M.C. Alumni Hall, and Baker Chapel. Three framed Prints:  Baker Chapel signed by Don Swann (1930s); McDaniel Hall signed by Don Swann (1930s) and W.M.C. Hall by Colonial Quill (1978) Memorabilia: Article from the May 1985 Western Maryland College Magazine THE HILL...
Dates: 1930s-1980s; Other: Date acquired: 12/13/2012; Received: 2019-02-22

Barbara Patterson Bryant Photographs (Class of 1959)

 Collection — Container: B00482
Identifier: MS-2005-036
Abstract Five black and white photographic prints of individuals on the Western Maryland College campus.  Individuals are not identified.  One clipping of 1927 6th annual Organized Bible Class Convention held on the College's campus.
Dates: circa 1927; Other: Date acquired: 08/17/2005

Bessie Sloan Sommerville Collection (Class of 1904), 1904-1905

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2003-08
Abstract Two items: graduation gown and letter dated 1905 asking if  Bessie Sloan would like to join Marie Bonnotte, her husband Dr. Bonnotte, and other young women who recently graduated from Western Maryland College for a summer trip to France.
Dates: 1904-1905; Other: Date acquired: 11/26/2003

Betsy Patterson Letters

 Collection — Container: Alumni Box 3
Identifier: MS-2022-002
Content Description 31 letters from Betsy Patterson to her fiance (Howard Jacob Hughes) during her time as a student at WMC; 1 photograph of Howard and Betsy taken at WMC in the fall of 1950
Dates: 1950-09 - 1950-12

Betty Burgee Bishop Papers (Class of 1947), 1944-1997

 Collection — Container: B00532
Identifier: MS-2009-34
Abstract Diploma: Western Maryland College, Betty Ann Burgee, 1947 Three Aloha yearbooks; 1944, 1945, 1946 Booklet: Class of 1947 50th Reunion Directory, Western Maryland College, June 1, 1997 Two Green Terror pom poms circa 1990s
Dates: 1944-1997; Other: Majority of material found in 1944-1947; Other: Date acquired: 10/16/2009

Blanche Ford Bowlsbey Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2009-10
Dates: 1923-2002; Received: 12/18/2002

Browning Literary Society Records, 1868-1934

Identifier: RG11-02-004
Scope and Contents The Browning Literary Society Collection contains handwritten records kept by Browning Literary Society officers spanning 1868-1934. The collection contains thirty-eight bound books, printed speeches, songs, anniversary programs, and invitations. The books contain information regarding meeting activities, financial transactions, member attendance, rules/regulations, criticism of debates, and book borrowing. They are stored in six boxes chronologically. However, five unbound/critically damaged...
Dates: 1868-1934

C. Frasier Scott Papers (Class of 1946), 1920-1999

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2003-5
Abstract Memorabilia collected or made by C. Frasier Scott reflecting his college days  and memories of Western Maryland College.
Dates: 1920 - 1999; Other: Majority of material found in 1999; Other: Date acquired: 02/11/2004

C. Lease Bussard Papers, 1933-1935

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-1000-208
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence between Clarence Lease Bussard (class of 1934) and his future wife, Frances Lovina Thomas. It spans the years 1933-1935 and is arranged chronologically. Includes letters from when Bussard was a student at Western Maryland College.
Dates: 1933 - 1935

Carol Fritz Papers

 Collection — Container: MS.1000.207
Identifier: MS-1000-207
Dates: 1973 - 2008

Filter Results

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Universities and colleges 45
Photographs 26
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Students 23
Students 16
Women college students -- United States 16
∨ more
Sports 12
Fraternities and sororities 8
Correspondence 7
Education -- United States -- History -- Sources 7
Football 7
Newspaper clippings 7
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Buildings and grounds 7
Art 6
Educators 6
Ephemera 6
Sport clothes 6
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Fraternities 6
Memorabilia 5
Programs 5
Scrapbooks 5
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Sororities 5
Westminster (Md.) 5
Awards 4
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Students 4
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Administration 4
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Alumni and Alumnae 4
World War, 1939-1945. 4
Academic libraries -- Maryland 3
Administrators 3
Athletics 3
Diaries 3
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Calendar -- Academic 3
Postcard 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Calendar -- Academic 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Homecoming 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Students -- Societies and Clubs 3
Academic achievement 2
Artifacts 2
Baltimore (Md.) 2
Baseball 2
Biography 2
Budgets 2
China 2
Class reunions 2
College orations -- Students -- Western Maryland College (1867-2002) 2
College prose -- Western Maryland College (1867-2002) 2
Degrees, Academic 2
Education 2
Education -- Maryland 2
Exhibits 2
Finance 2
History 2
Invitations 2
Manuals (instructional materials) 2
Maryland 2
McDaniel College (2002) -- Graduate programs -- Curricula 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Administration 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Athletics 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Buildings and Grounds 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- History 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Undergraduate programs -- Curricula 2
Medals 2
Minutes (administrative records) 2
Outlines and syllabi 2
Papers 2
Photography 2
Poetry 2
Religious education -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
School integration -- Maryland 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Academic Departments -- Handbooks 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Athletics 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Faculty 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Graduate programs -- Curricula 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Student Newspapers and Periodicals 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Theater 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Undergraduate programs -- Curricula 2
Women 2
117th Trench Mortar Battery, 1917-1919 1
Anti-war demonstrations 1
Arms and Armament -- Antique 1
Art Collection -- Western Maryland College, 1867-2002 1
Audiotapes 1
Authors 1
Automobiles 1
Banners 1
Basketball. 1
Beanie 1
Bible -- Study and teaching 1
Bible. Hebrews. 1
Biology 1
Black Lives Matter movement 1
Booklets 1
Books 1
British -- China -- History -- 19th Century 1
Bulletins 1
Burial 1
COVID-19 (Disease) 1
Cancer in women 1
Carroll County (Md.) -- History 1
Cecil County (Md.) 1
∧ less
English 237
Western Maryland College (1866-2002) 80
McDaniel College (2002-) 32
McDaniel College. Board of Trustees (2002-) 10
Western Maryland College . Board of Trustees (1868-2002) 7
McDaniel College . Office of the Registrar (2002-) 5
∨ more
Western Maryland College. Office of the Registrar (1923-2002) 5
McDaniel College . Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty (2002-2018) 4
Wesley Theological Seminary 4
Western Maryland College students 4
Westminster Theological Seminary (Westminster, Md.) 4
Baker, Daniel 3
Baker, William G. 3
Buell , Fayette R. 3
Delta Sigma Kappa (Western Maryland College) 3
Ensor , Lowell Skinner , 1907-1975 3
McDaniel College . Office of the President (2002-) 3
McDaniel College Students 3
Methodist Protestant Church (U.S. : 1830-1939) 3
Ward, James Thomas, 1820-1897 3
Badiee, Julie 2
Baker, Joseph 2
Billingslea , Charles 2
Billingslea , J. Levine 2
Buffington , Audrey V. Myers 2
Chambers , Robert H. 2
Coley, Joan Develin 2
Crockett , Albert Stevens, 1873-1969 2
Elderdice, Dorothy, 1892-1979 2
Harrison, T. K. 2
Irla, Chloe 2
John, Ralph Candler, 1919-1999 2
Maryland Annual Conference (Methodist) 2
McDaniel College . Office of Communications and Marketing (2002-) 2
McDaniel, William Roberts, 1861-1942 2
Methodist Protestant Baltimore Annual Conference 2
Phi Alpha Mu Sororoity (1923-) 2
Richwine, Keith Norton, 1930 2
Schofield , Samuel Biggs 2
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Western Maryland College) 2
Smith, John (of Wakefield) 2
Swann, Don 2
Upton, Bryn, 1970- 2
Ward , Albert Norman 2
Western Maryland College . Office of the President (1867-2002) 2
Yingling, Anna 2
Zepp, Ira G. 2
Adkins, Kathryn 1
Albert, Suzanne 1
Alles, Gregory D. 1
Almandrez, Mary Grace A. 1
Alumni 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
American Red Cross 1
Angle, Walter Craig 1
Ashton, Will 1
Association for Asian Studies 1
Baile, Isaac Cassell 1
Baile, Nathan Haines 1
Banister, Suzannah 1
Barnes, Vivian Eugenia Englar 1
Barth, John, 1930 1
Barthel , Mildred Vanderbeek 1
Baum, Fannie Elizabeth Brothers 1
Beakes , Kendall Douglas, 1923-2015 1
Beall, John Glenn, Jr., 1927-2006 1
Beard, Bernice Talbot, 1927 1
Beatty , William Edward 1
Beckjord, Lauren 1
Beglin, Bob (Daniel Robert) 1
Beglin, Edna Louise Haller 1
Behling, Herman E. 1
Behrle , Kristin 1
Bendel-Simso , Mary M., 1965 1
Benedis-Grab , Daphne 1
Bennekamper, Diane 1
Bennett , Clarence Henry, 1906 1
Bennett, Dorothy Lyle Gilligan, 1906 1
Benson , F. Murray 1
Bickley, Dottie (Dorothy Alexander ) 1
Biles, Janet Edith Brozik 1
Biondo, Emily 1
Bishop, Betty Ann Burgee, 1926-2003 1
Bland, Virginia 1
Bloom , Susan Ruddick 1
Blum, Albert, Judge 1
Blum, Eva 1
Bode, Carl, 1911-1993 1
Bolling, Richard 1
Bonnette , Ferdinand 1
Boudreaux , Margaret 1
Boukhars , Anouar 1
Brocket, Robert L. 1
Brooks , Edward, 1831-1912 1
Brooks , William Keith, 1848-1908 1
Brown , Catherine Georgia Buckel 1
Bryant , Barbara Patterson 1
Bryant , William Cullen, 1794-1878 1
Bryant, Zephia 1
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