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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 238

Carolyn Bouma Stoll Papers (Class of 1982), 1978-1982

 Collection — Container: B00195
Identifier: MS-2007-12
Abstract Pom Pom jacket.
Dates: 1978-1982; Other: Date acquired: 05/04/2007

Catharine "Kit" Hartzler Papers (Class of 1962), 1901-1962

 Collection — Container: B00078
Identifier: MS-2011-18
Abstract Three items of memorabilia: Phonograph record: High on 'The Hill' featuring the Western Maryland College Choir with Alfred de Long History of the Class of of 1901, Western Maryland College, November, 1951 Invitiation to the 1901 commencement ceremony
Dates: 1901-1962; Other: Majority of material found in 1901 and 1962; Other: Date acquired: 03/03/2011

Catherine Buckel Brown Papers (Class of 1948), 1936-2002

 Collection — Container: B00333
Identifier: MS-2012-35
Abstract Memorabilia of Western Maryland College collected and created by Catherine Georgia Buckel Brown, class of 1948.
Dates: 1936 - 2002; Other: Majority of material found in 1946-1948; Other: Date acquired: 11/07/2012

Charles Horn Papers (Class of 1971), 1967-1971

 Collection — Container: B00512
Identifier: MS-1996-02
Scope and Contents Class notes taken by Charles Horn when he was a student at Western Maryland College. Notes are from courses economics, political science, sociology, and History The sociology course "The Negro in American Life" was taught by the Honorable Parren J. Mitchell, first elected to the the 92nd Congress of the United States as Maryland's representative from the 7th District. He was a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Dates: 1967-1971; Other: Date acquired: 06/05/2013

Charles Kenneth Perry Papers (ex Class of 1927), 1924-1925

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2012-03
Abstract Memorabilia collected by Charles Perry during his two and a half years, 1924- January 1926, at Western Maryland College.  Most items related to the Western Maryland's College football team.
Dates: 1924-1925; Other: Date acquired: 04/09/2012

Charles W. Havens (1903-1996) Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-2015-31
Scope and Contents This collection consists of materials produced and collected by Charles W. Havens. Materials include personal correspondence and papers/correspondence relating to Havens’ tenure as football coach at Western Maryland College, limited personal materials about Charles “Rip” Engle and Richard “Dick” Harlow. Other materials include newspaper clippings about Engles, Harlow, and Havens, as well as photographs of Havens and the Green Terror Football team (undated). Programs from banquets attended by...
Dates: 1929-1996; Majority of material found in 1929-1956

Clark Family Memorabilia (Classes of 1901, 1904, and 1905)

 Collection — Container: MS.2006.006
Identifier: MS-2006-006
Abstract Two class pins and five honor medals of the three Clark sisters from Cecilton, MD
Dates: 1901-1905; Other: Date acquired: 02/10/2006

Collection of Mary Elgin Senat Photographs

 Collection — Container: Manuscript Collections Box 4
Identifier: MS-1000-004
Scope and Contents This collection contains photographs Mary Elgin Senat at Western Maryland College between 1906 and 1907. It was given to the college archives by Senat's daughter, Mary Ellen Senat Dixon, Class of 1933, in July 1987.
Dates: Majority of material found within 1906 - 1907

College Artifacts

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SpC-SpCArtifacts
Abstract A collection of memorabilia, glasses, china, awards, scrapbooks, and artwork relating to the College.
Dates: Other: Dummy Date

Colonel H. Howard Hayden Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SpC-2015.26
Abstract 1 American flag from Hayden Family, 1 photograph of Hayden and Wife, 1 Nametag of H. Howard Hayden, 3 pc. medals awarded to Hayden
Dates: Other: Date acquired: 11/05/2015

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Universities and colleges 45
Photographs 26
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Students 23
Students 16
Women college students -- United States 16
∨ more
Sports 12
Fraternities and sororities 8
Correspondence 7
Education -- United States -- History -- Sources 7
Football 7
Newspaper clippings 7
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Buildings and grounds 7
Art 6
Educators 6
Ephemera 6
Sport clothes 6
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Fraternities 6
Memorabilia 5
Programs 5
Scrapbooks 5
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Sororities 5
Westminster (Md.) 5
Awards 4
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Students 4
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Administration 4
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Alumni and Alumnae 4
World War, 1939-1945. 4
Academic libraries -- Maryland 3
Administrators 3
Athletics 3
Diaries 3
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Calendar -- Academic 3
Postcard 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Calendar -- Academic 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Homecoming 3
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Students -- Societies and Clubs 3
Academic achievement 2
Artifacts 2
Baltimore (Md.) 2
Baseball 2
Biography 2
Budgets 2
China 2
Class reunions 2
College orations -- Students -- Western Maryland College (1867-2002) 2
College prose -- Western Maryland College (1867-2002) 2
Degrees, Academic 2
Education 2
Education -- Maryland 2
Exhibits 2
Finance 2
History 2
Invitations 2
Manuals (instructional materials) 2
Maryland 2
McDaniel College (2002) -- Graduate programs -- Curricula 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Administration 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Athletics 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Buildings and Grounds 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- History 2
McDaniel College (2002-) -- Undergraduate programs -- Curricula 2
Medals 2
Minutes (administrative records) 2
Outlines and syllabi 2
Papers 2
Photography 2
Poetry 2
Religious education -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
School integration -- Maryland 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Academic Departments -- Handbooks 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Athletics 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Faculty 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Graduate programs -- Curricula 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Student Newspapers and Periodicals 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Theater 2
Western Maryland College (1867-2002) -- Undergraduate programs -- Curricula 2
Women 2
117th Trench Mortar Battery, 1917-1919 1
Anti-war demonstrations 1
Arms and Armament -- Antique 1
Art Collection -- Western Maryland College, 1867-2002 1
Audiotapes 1
Authors 1
Automobiles 1
Banners 1
Basketball. 1
Beanie 1
Bible -- Study and teaching 1
Bible. Hebrews. 1
Biology 1
Black Lives Matter movement 1
Booklets 1
Books 1
British -- China -- History -- 19th Century 1
Bulletins 1
Burial 1
COVID-19 (Disease) 1
Cancer in women 1
Carroll County (Md.) -- History 1
Cecil County (Md.) 1
∧ less
English 237
Western Maryland College (1866-2002) 80
McDaniel College (2002-) 32
McDaniel College. Board of Trustees (2002-) 10
Western Maryland College . Board of Trustees (1868-2002) 7
McDaniel College . Office of the Registrar (2002-) 5
∨ more
Western Maryland College. Office of the Registrar (1923-2002) 5
McDaniel College . Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty (2002-2018) 4
Wesley Theological Seminary 4
Western Maryland College students 4
Westminster Theological Seminary (Westminster, Md.) 4
Baker, Daniel 3
Baker, William G. 3
Buell , Fayette R. 3
Delta Sigma Kappa (Western Maryland College) 3
Ensor , Lowell Skinner , 1907-1975 3
McDaniel College . Office of the President (2002-) 3
McDaniel College Students 3
Methodist Protestant Church (U.S. : 1830-1939) 3
Ward, James Thomas, 1820-1897 3
Badiee, Julie 2
Baker, Joseph 2
Billingslea , Charles 2
Billingslea , J. Levine 2
Buffington , Audrey V. Myers 2
Chambers , Robert H. 2
Coley, Joan Develin 2
Crockett , Albert Stevens, 1873-1969 2
Elderdice, Dorothy, 1892-1979 2
Harrison, T. K. 2
Irla, Chloe 2
John, Ralph Candler, 1919-1999 2
Maryland Annual Conference (Methodist) 2
McDaniel College . Office of Communications and Marketing (2002-) 2
McDaniel, William Roberts, 1861-1942 2
Methodist Protestant Baltimore Annual Conference 2
Phi Alpha Mu Sororoity (1923-) 2
Richwine, Keith Norton, 1930 2
Schofield , Samuel Biggs 2
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Western Maryland College) 2
Smith, John (of Wakefield) 2
Swann, Don 2
Upton, Bryn, 1970- 2
Ward , Albert Norman 2
Western Maryland College . Office of the President (1867-2002) 2
Yingling, Anna 2
Zepp, Ira G. 2
Adkins, Kathryn 1
Albert, Suzanne 1
Alles, Gregory D. 1
Almandrez, Mary Grace A. 1
Alumni 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
American Red Cross 1
Angle, Walter Craig 1
Ashton, Will 1
Association for Asian Studies 1
Baile, Isaac Cassell 1
Baile, Nathan Haines 1
Banister, Suzannah 1
Barnes, Vivian Eugenia Englar 1
Barth, John, 1930 1
Barthel , Mildred Vanderbeek 1
Baum, Fannie Elizabeth Brothers 1
Beakes , Kendall Douglas, 1923-2015 1
Beall, John Glenn, Jr., 1927-2006 1
Beard, Bernice Talbot, 1927 1
Beatty , William Edward 1
Beckjord, Lauren 1
Beglin, Bob (Daniel Robert) 1
Beglin, Edna Louise Haller 1
Behling, Herman E. 1
Behrle , Kristin 1
Bendel-Simso , Mary M., 1965 1
Benedis-Grab , Daphne 1
Bennekamper, Diane 1
Bennett , Clarence Henry, 1906 1
Bennett, Dorothy Lyle Gilligan, 1906 1
Benson , F. Murray 1
Bickley, Dottie (Dorothy Alexander ) 1
Biles, Janet Edith Brozik 1
Biondo, Emily 1
Bishop, Betty Ann Burgee, 1926-2003 1
Bland, Virginia 1
Bloom , Susan Ruddick 1
Blum, Albert, Judge 1
Blum, Eva 1
Bode, Carl, 1911-1993 1
Bolling, Richard 1
Bonnette , Ferdinand 1
Boudreaux , Margaret 1
Boukhars , Anouar 1
Brocket, Robert L. 1
Brooks , Edward, 1831-1912 1
Brooks , William Keith, 1848-1908 1
Brown , Catherine Georgia Buckel 1
Bryant , Barbara Patterson 1
Bryant , William Cullen, 1794-1878 1
Bryant, Zephia 1
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